X-Message-Number: 10219 From: Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 09:57:44 EDT Subject: spin Charles Platt (#10216) writes: >I guess anyone who drops in on Bob Ettinger should watch what he says, since it's liable to be summarized on CryoNet and sci.cryonics, perhaps with a little negative Ettingerian spin added. "Infested with cryonicists," indeed! What a great way of describing the only high-funded research effort into reversible human brain cryopreservation that has ever existed in history (so far as I know). Thanks, Bob. --------- Negative spin? "Infested with cryonicists" were Saul's words, not mine, and in fact I put "infested" in quotation marks. He was being humorous, which I didn't think needed explaining. Sheesh! The main thrust of my brief report was that Saul and 21CM are moving ahead and optimistic. Lighten up, Charles, and watch your own angular momentum. Robert Ettinger Cryonics Institute Immortalist Society http://www.cryonics.org Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=10219