X-Message-Number: 10452 Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 23:38:19 -0700 From: Mike Perry <> Subject: Exclusion from Signup Jeff Davis's posting (#10435) included a remark, perhaps half-humorous, that murderers, politicians and the like be excluded from signing up for cryonics. Others (e.g. Charles Platt, #10435) found this ethically unacceptable. And so do I. We must not withhold a potentially life-saving procedure from someone just because they are "bad" any more than we would do so in a more conventional medical case. Steve Bridge on the other hand (#10448) would withhold the privilege of signing up to those who basically don't and can't understand what they are doing. This may be necessary for practical reasons, i.e. to avoid ruinous litigation if we are perceived as "taking advantage" of someone not mentally competent. Here we still don't want to condemn someone to death just because they have a certain problem (one that ought to be fixable in the future, no less). But we are faced with a difficult choice between the lesser of two evils. So I too favor the idea of not encouraging the prospective signups unduly--let them (or their legal representatives) show that they at least understand what they are getting into. Mike Perry Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=10452