X-Message-Number: 10454 From: "den Otter" <> Subject: Sackcloth and Ashes Cryonics: afterthought Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 15:41:06 +0200 Basically what is needed is a cryonics umbrella organization to deal with such issues as funding and promotion. Not a co-op between existing cryonics organization (because such an effort would be doomed from the start), but a strictly "neutral" group that pursues common goals (survival and flourishing) by any means that work. There now exists a more or less comparable organization for transhumanists (WTA), so why not for cryonicists? Some advantages: --less legal risks for cryonics companies and their patients since there are no official ties to the new organization, so if it does something controversial (or whatever), at least they can't be sued. This means promotion/money making can be somewhat bolder, if necessary. --less legal risks in general, since the organization can (for example) officially operate from a country that offers the best protection against such actions (not the US, obviously). --better (more efficient) use of knowledge and resources that are now devided between various competing organizations. --(perhaps) greater sense of community, which is good for everyone involved (more motivation) and good for PR. A good sense of community attracts (new) people, while faction-forming and open fueds obviously repel them. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=10454