X-Message-Number: 10491 Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:57:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles Platt <> Subject: Y2K The Y2K discussion is interesting in that it parallels many discussions about the viability of cryonics. On one side, the techno-optimists believe that smart people in the future will fix everything. On the other side, doomsayers warn that complexities of the task are being underrated. Also, as in cryonics, the argument cannot be settled because we have insufficient data and cannot test the assertions on either side. The difference of course is that in this case, we'll find out who's correct within less than two years. A magazine asked me to write something on the impact of Y2K on electric power generation and distribution in the United States. This was not a happy writing assignment, because I had so much trouble obtaining any reliable facts. For the record, this is what I did find: 1. The power grid extends not only across the US but into Canada and down into Mexico. There is relatively little spare capacity. If nuclear power plants are shut down on 1.1.2000 (as many claim is inevitable, in order to comply with safety regulations) there will be no spare capacity. A cascade of failures is certainly possible as power plants that are Y2K compliant find they cannot handle the load when noncompliant plants shut down. 2. On the upside, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), which is supported by power utilities, is serving as a clearing house for information about Y2K fixes. When one power company solves a problem, it pools the information with others. Unfortunately EPRI is so paranoid about future law suits, its Y2K web page (where information is shared) is restricted to members only, and EPRI spokespersons will not confirm that even one Y2K problem has ever been found, let alone solved. 3. On the downside, small distribution companies cannot afford EPRI participation. There are thousands of these small compnies. They are the ones that pull power off the grid and resell it to you, the consumer. Their name is at the top of your electric bill. They maintain local power lines, but basically are middlemen with relatively low profit margins, no real research budget, and no clue (in many cases) about technical matters such as embedded controller chips, which they bought unwittingly in off-the-shelf packages such as safety systems for transformers. One person I spoke to expects rural power companies to be affected more severely than large urban companies, which have a bigger budget, more manpower, and may be EPRI members. Bearing this in mind, maybe it's better to go against survivalist dictum and remain in the Big City, if you want the lights to turn on when you flip the switch (or if you want the electric ignition in your gas furnace to work). 4. On the upside, one of the few power generating utilities that was willing to speak frankly to me about Y2K told me that it has not yet found any problem that would have shut down its entire system. Its active Y2K program has uncovered problems that would merely cause brief local outages. This company is located in Canada. American companies are generally too afraid of liability to say anything reassuring, and too afraid of causing panic to say anything disturbing. So, they will say nothing. 5. On the downside, many coal-fired electric power generating facilities are not self-starting. They need electricity from other facilities in order to resume operation after a period of downtime. One can imagine them all waiting for each other to generate that first volt. 6. For the consumer, gasoline generators are not an easy answer. They are expensive (typically $1,000 or more for a few KW) and, guess what, they consume gasoline. According to my calculations, if I wanted to sustain my freezer and various other "necessities" here, for up to a month, I would have to install a tank to hold at least 500 gallons of gasoline in my back yard. My neighbors might not be amused. 7. On the upside, I spoke to a systems manager who used to work for the IRS, and he told me he is 100-percent (not 99-percent) convinced that the agency will be out of business for at least six months. What's the take-home message? I simply don't know, just as I simply don't know precisely what the chances are for resuscitation of cryonics patients. Moreover, I believe no one really knows. --Charles Platt PS. I would love to include references for my various statements above. Unfortunately however the power supply in my computer failed last week, leaving all my data trapped on the hard drive. Didn't I have backups? Of course I had backups! But without a power supply, my computer can't read any backups. Thus, I am working on a laptop till my new power supply arrives. Lesson: despite all attempts to be prudent, some totally unexpected techno-glitch can still wipe you out. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=10491