X-Message-Number: 10812 From: Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 10:56:00 EST Subject: 21 CM First, in view of Thomas Donaldson's comments, and Saul Kent's note, perhaps I should clarify my view of the relation between 21 CM announcements and current Cryonics Institute practice and research plans. I had said that certain aspects of planned CI research might be put on hold for a couple of months, until we had a clearer picture of what has been done at 21 CM. Of course we realize that the 21 CM work might be of such a nature that its application in the field, or its licensing, will not be feasible any time soon. But hints dropped indicate a new class of cryoprotectants (better permeation, less toxicity, better vitrification characteristics, fewer demands in rewarming), and such might represent an important advance even when used without optimum conditions. If so, we need to know. Naturally, we understand the constraints of a for-profit company with respect to proprietary information and pending patents. We also realize that any CI research in this area will be on a far smaller scale than that of 21 CM, because of our much smaller resources. Nevertheless, there remains (as far as I know) the possibility that the new cryoprotectants might supersede glycerine. We will investigate that, and try to do whatever is likely to benefit our members and future patients. Robert Ettinger Cryonics Institute Immortalist Society http://www.cryonics.org Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=10812