X-Message-Number: 10842
From: "Thomas Nord" <>
Subject: Trusts
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 01:30:40 -0000

Over here they are endless till the sun stop shining, another iceage or a
lawchange, I have 3 and have read all about it.
Mine state they should be disclosed when I live, then the county supervision
will take a look at it once a year or when they choose. It hasnt cost me
anything so far but will a little bit then for the supervision. Some of our
mega billionairs use more or less the same model. There is a little risk
with everything so open here but more secure in a democratic state as this.
The only risk I see so far are the normal state here is an ice-age, all
covered with ice down to southern Europe last time as I've mentioned before,
also in northern US, check the maps, may hit Cryostats too.
My trust is also for patient care and removal of course if needed.
Cryoresearch will get or can seek money out of it if I'm in storage, as
normal with trusts, the storagekeeper will get a copy of the rules. If
trustees dont do their job can the keeper remark to the supervision who are
backed by the law and the rules. The keeeper should get sufficient funds
anyway to start with for emergencys.
Using 2 cryo.orgs may be good too. But if I'm not put in the freezer, my
money will go to the living, therefore a trust is needed anyway to rule that
An endowment in my books are more like a donation. I need to get this right
for an english translation of the rules. What I have is a fund who are
trusted to me to manage as a trustee, if I understand correctly, and like to
call it a trustfund.

Here its not a tax haven, those are often a bit unsecure, but good control
here, dont pay any tax if we use it right anyway. But I have stated the fund
can be moved if taxlaws are not fit. We need a lot of taxes here i.e. for
many asylumabusers as cost a lot, and the government has a sore eye to
taxfree funds I have to defend from time to time as we do a lot of good. So
there may be better places in the long rung, I'm just an expert here for my
purpose so far.

As for identification and reanimation I dont state a name, its for the
contracted person, otherwise it collides with taxlaws too.

As for trustmanagment small amounts better be in one pooled system. I and
others have a little more for the moment can have specific placement rules,
as I do with a small part in gold as the Swiss do now in fact if the
monetary systems brake down, some in a global fund, some in bonds, a part in
cash and the rest free for stocks anywhere. A fundmanager here only takes 1%
or can work on a performance deal.

PS What about these strange beggingletters in here with almost the same text
from 2(?) persons? Have you all got one private too?

4 Life in the short and long run as ever to be serious.
Thomas Nord

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