X-Message-Number: 10874
From: "Ken Barclay" <>
Subject: BioResonance Tumor Therapy
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 14:48:10 -0800

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From Ken Barclay  

The following was an addendum to a message on another list.  With no real
knowledge of gene therapy, I am not able to evaluate it.  If it makes any
scientific sense, though, It certainly seems relevant to cryonic


This is such an important announcement that we are letting people  know
about it all over the net. If you know of anyone who is  looking for
alternative cancer therapy, have him or her take a  look at this web site
http://newhopeclinic.com. or forward this  message to them. This is the
most effective new development for  the natural elimination of tumors and
their underlying causes yet  discovered.   

Deepak Chopra once gave a lecture, in which he said  (paraphrased), If we
could understand the mechanism of  spontaneous remission in just one case
of cancer we might be able  to find the key to successful cancer
treatment. Such an  understanding has finally been discovered and a new
method of  treating cancer based on this understanding is proving to be
80%  successful at stimulating the natural reduction and elimination  of
tumors. This process has been developed and perfected over the  last five
years in Europe. It is called BioResonance Tumor  Therapy and it has an
effect similar to stimulating spontaneous  remission.   

Here’s how it works. As with all great breakthroughs in science,  the best
are based on insights that are penetratingly simple.  Such is the case
with this new therapy. It is based on the  understanding of how cells
naturally die. Every cell in the human  body has a gene called the P53
gene. This gene tracks the  degeneration of the cell and when it finds
that the cell is  damaged beyond repair, it triggers its self-destruction.
This  active, controlled process of cell death is happening all the  time
in all of us. 95% of the cells that are in your body now  weren’t there 2
years ago. The old cells died through this  natural self-destruction
process that is triggered by the P53  gene. New cells are then created
through cell division.   

What about tumor cells? In tumor cells the function of the P53  gene gets
suppressed. The tumor cells lose the ability to die  naturally. This
insight about the P53 gene has led to the  development of a new way to
re-enliven the function of the  suppressed P53 gene and bring back its
ability to naturally  self-destruct the cell upon recognizing that the
cell is  degenerate. What this means is that malignant tumors can be 
reduced and/or eliminated from the body by re-activating the  cell's
suppressed P53 function. The technique for re-enlivening  the P53 function
is through a process known as BioResonance  Therapy.   

Mr. Keymer’s brilliant insight was to shift the thinking from  seeing the
tumor cells as the enemy that has to be aggressively  killed, to seeing
the tumor cells as weakened normal cells. The  therapy that he devised was
to re-energize the tumor cells in  order to re-activate the function of
the suppressed P53 gene.  With this function re-energized, the tumor cells
recognize their  own degenerate state and naturally die on their own.   

There are other factors involved in addition to this underlying 
principle. In the surrounding tissue there is another gene called  the Myg
gene that sends signals to the surrounding cells to stay  alive. In the
tissue surrounding the tumors the Myg gene becomes  overactive. Its
activity must be reduced which is also  accomplished through BioResonance
Therapy. There are also  background toxic stresses that have initially
caused the  suppression of the P53 gene. These toxic stresses must be 
identified and eliminated also through BioResonance Therapy. Some  of
these include viruses, parasites, bacteria, mold, fungus,  mercury and
other heavy metals, environmental toxins,  electro-magnetic field
stresses, etc. The body’s organs, glands  and the immune system must also
be strengthened and detoxified.  Inevitably, there are emotional or
psychological stresses  underlying every tumor. These factors have also
responded very  well to BioResonance Therapy.   

80% of cancer patients treated in Germany with this new  BioResonance
Therapy approach have recovered successfully. This  means that the tumor
has stopped growing, has then gradually or  quickly reduced in size and
either stabilized or has been  completely eliminated. In addition, because
the underlying toxic  stresses that caused the tumor have also been
identified and  eliminated, thus far, reoccurrence of the tumor or
development of  other tumors has been minimal to non-existent.   

BioResonance Therapy for tumors has been used successfully in  Germany
both with and without traditional therapies such as  surgery, chemotherapy
and radiation. In fact, in many cases where  traditional medical doctors
have given up on patients and told  them that they had only a few weeks to
live, the patients started  this new BioResonance Therapy for tumors and
within a few months  they were tumor free and back in good health. This
has happened  not once but over and over again. The average course of
therapy  is six weeks with 2 to three treatments per week. The treatments 
are non-invasive, completely comfortable and gentle. This is  certainly
one of the most encouraging and exciting new  developments in the
treatment of cancer.   

This new cancer therapy is coming to North America with the  opening of a
clinic in Mexico, just south of San Diego, CA. The  New Hope BioResonance
Clinic is taking reservations for six-week  treatment programs scheduled
to begin January 1, 1999. The cost  of this therapy is substantially less
than that of either  traditional cancer treatment or many other
alternative cancer  therapies. The clinic is staffed by the most
experienced and  successful BioResonance Tumor Therapists in the world.
For more  information please see our web site at http://newhopeclinic.com 
or call the message line (562) 402-1356 and leave your name,  number and
the best time to return your call or e-mail 
mailto: The web site contains  approximately 80
pages of information detailing the laboratory  research and clinical case
histories of numerous cancer patients  as well as contact information for
the clinic.   


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