X-Message-Number: 10904 From: Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 23:04:59 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: Deanimation Alarm System I didn't mean to accuse you (Bill H. Seidel) of spamming, but merely of sending what looks to most people (those who don't happen to have paid for a particular proprietary software package, and installed it on the machine they read e-mail on) like hundreds of lines such as ABoAyAADAP9/vAIAAAACAAAFAUEAcgBpAGEAbAAeBBwABQAXAAAiJCIjLCMjMF8pO1woIiQiIywj IzBcKR4EIQAGABwAACIkIiMsIyMwXyk7W1JlZF1cKCIkIiMsIyMwXCkeBCIABwAdAAAiJCIjLCMj MC4wMF8pO1woIiQiIywjIzAuMDBcKR4EJwAIACIAACIkIiMsIyMwLjAwXyk7W1JlZF1cKCIkIiMs IyMwLjAwXCkeBDcAKgAyAABfKCIkIiogIywjIzBfKTtfKCIkIiogXCgjLCMjMFwpO18oIiQiKiAi LSJfKTtfKEBfKR4ELgApACkAAF8oKiAjLCMjMF8pO18oKiBcKCMsIyMwXCk7XygqICItIl8pO18o QF8pHgQ/ACwAOgAAXygiJCIqICMsIyMwLjAwXyk7XygiJCIqIFwoIywjIzAuMDBcKTtfKCIkIiog Ii0iPz9fKTtfKEBfKR4ENgArADEAAF8oKiAjLCMjMC4wMF8pO18oKiBcKCMsIyMwLjAwXCk7Xygq ICItIj8/Xyk7XyhAXyngABQAAAAAAPX/IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwCDgABQAAQAAAPX/IAAA9AAAAAAA which is why the Cryonet software automatically discards it. Cryonet has always been for plain text only. The thing about spam is my signature, which appears on all my e-mail, postings, web pages, and anywhere else that spammers might harvest my address, so that I can prove to third parties that spammers are operating in bad faith. I'm CCing Cryonet since you did so, even though you were responding to my private e-mail. -- Keith F. Lynch -- -- http://www.clark.net/pub/kfl/ I always welcome replies to my e-mail, postings, and web pages, but unsolicited bulk e-mail sent to thousands of randomly collected addresses is not acceptable, and I do complain to the spammer's ISP. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=10904