X-Message-Number: 11200 From: Thomas Donaldson <> Subject: Re: Tipler's cosmology. Why is it still relevant? Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:36:10 +1100 (EST) Hi everyone! This is a second reply to Cryonet 11174-11178, basically to Mike Perry's discussion of cosmology, in which he brings up Tipler's ideas again. The problem is that on current data Tipler's cosmology looks less and less likely. Sure, anything is possible, but Tipler's version does not now seem likely. So why are you still bringing up his book? Because you think he's said things that make his cosmology irrelevant to his main thesis? Because you think that our present likely universe will still show the same properties? Or do you have other reasons? I'd really like to know. Cosmology, with all the telescopes and other things we now have and use to see very far into the past of the universe (and very far away) make cosmology a science, not just a subject for theoretical discussion. Best and long long life to all, Thomas Donaldson Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11200