X-Message-Number: 11202
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 11:02:04 -0500
From: Bozzonetti <>
Subject: ET and New Scientist

D. Screcky writes about the lack of E.T. (msg #11185)  

> The problem is to account for why no such oldETs exist. > One possible
answer may be found in the January 23,1999 issue of New > Scientist. James
Annis, an astrophysicist thinks old ETs did not exist > because gamma ray
bursts (GRBs) have repeatedly sterilized large parts of  >our galaxy
before intelligent life has had time to evolve<  

This is indeed a possibility, on the other hand, nearby supernovaes would

be as azardous as GRB and far more common. Because we are here, we can
assume Earth's life overcame such catastrophes in the distant past....
Some other possibilities?  

I suggest: Civilizations need energy and in that domain black holes are
fifty more efficient than nuclear fusion, may be only "good" sites are
colonized, not deserts such our solar system?  

More advanced concept: Quantum computing on some hundreds bits has the
power to simulate a full universe, quantum teleportation would open a link
between such universes and between them and our own. Why expand in the
Galaxy when you can build millions of universes at home every year?  

Even stranger:  Quantum entangled systems, such superfluid neutrons in
pulsars may produce natural quantum computers with up to 10^30 bits, we
can't even dream about the universes they would simulate. A civilisation
could teleport its own quantum universes to and from the natural ones.
Where are these simulated universes? may be our own real universes in a
self simulated quantum system, where we are a part of the simulation and
can see the simulation source, the pulsars. In that idea, all you need to

go anywhere is to put a quantum computer near a neutron star...  

We'll need a far extended longevity to see if such ideas have some

Yvan Bozzonetti.  

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