X-Message-Number: 11217 Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 09:03:02 -0500 (EST) From: "Kevin Q. Brown" <> Subject: Re: Cryonet #11209-#11212. These messages did not get through. In message #11214 Thomas Donaldson <> said: >This set of Cryonet messages DID NOT GET THROUGH, possibly because someone >was trying to use a system which Cryonet does not support. . . . >As a bit of background, I access Cryonet in text mode, not on the web, >and I imitate at VT100 in doing so. The messages to which I refer are >#11209 to #11212. Thomas, My earlier reply, in message #11006, still applies: > Fortunately, whenever you (or anyone else) miss one or more > messages, it is easy to retrieve the missing messages via email > or WWW. Each Monday and Thursday CryoNet digest, . . . > provides the following instructions: > > To retrieve past messages, send email to: > > with the message numbers in the subject line. > (Message 0003 describes the advanced syntax.) > You also can retrieve them via the CryoNet web page at URL: > http://www.cryonet.org/ > or Keith Lynch's _complete_ archives at: > http://www.clark.net/pub/kfl/les/cryonet/ You can even retrieve those past messages one file at a time, if necessary due to bad formatting or characters in one message. Thus, to retrieve messages #11209 through #11212 via email you can send one message: To: Subject: 11209 11210 11211 11212 or several messages: To: Subject: 11209 To: Subject: 11210 To: Subject: 11211 To: Subject: 11212 Of course, those with web access can access those messages even faster: http://www.cryonet.org/archive/11209 http://www.cryonet.org/archive/11210 http://www.cryonet.org/archive/11211 http://www.cryonet.org/archive/11212 Even people with text-mode, shell accounts can use Lynx rather than Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc. browsers. In summary, there are _lots_ of ways to retrieve CryoNet archives and it is _not_ necessary to complain to all of CryoNet when some email glitch somewhere in the Internet (or on your computer) causes you to lose a digest occasionally. Kevin Q. Brown PS: The archives at www.cryonet.org are available immediately when the digest is mailed to the list. Keith Lynch's archives take somewhat longer to get posted to his web site, but they include all the old messages, too. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11217