X-Message-Number: 11227
Date: Sun Feb 07 04:33:24 1999  PST
Subject: Kurzweil Article - Spiritual Machines
From: Edgar W Swank <>

The age of spiritual machines

 It's not science fiction and it's coming soon

                                                            By Ray
                                                            SPECIAL TO

               Feb. 5 -  A threshold event will take place early in
               the 21st century: the emergence of machines
               more intelligent than their creators. By 2019, a
               $1,000 computer will match the processing
               power of the human brain - about 20 million
               billion calculations per second. Organizing these
               resources - the "software" of intelligence -
               will take us to 2029, by which time your average
               personal computer will be equivalent to 1,000
               human brains

Remainder of article at


The short article includes mention of uploading and multiple copies,
which have also been discussed here.

There are also pointers to

  E-mail Ray Kurzwei
  Chat with Ray Kurzweil Tuesday, Feb. 18th at 7:30 p.m. ET

Posted by:

Edgar W. Swank   <>
President - American Cryonics Society

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