X-Message-Number: 11243 Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 11:08:02 -0500 From: Jan Coetzee <> Subject: hoax "Michael Eisenstein (EUS)" <> "umm, you are wrong this is a real issue. All the RBOC's (regional bell operating companies) are trying to have ISP calls defined as long distance calls and therefore subject to per minute charging. This is never going to go away. Even if the FCC makes a definitive ruling in our favor(as they now can do superceding state PUCs (public utility commissions). which for the most part have said its a local call . The Rocs will keep appealing till they get their way. (and i know charging for data calls is against the he consent decree). If more information is wanted on this issue i can supply it when i return to the states." This is a quote J. C. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11243