X-Message-Number: 11247 From: Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 09:49:23 EST Subject: Re: CryoNet #11242 - #11244 Abel & Baker - A good analogy - I have been following these discussions on replicas and identity for some time now and it is all very interesting, however, I think the issue has been beat to death(no pun intended) and the truth is actually quite simple. I believe it is an issue of consciousness. None of the theories that I have heard will ever convince me that I can look out of two sets of eyes at the same time. We may be able to create an exact replica someday and at that instant of creation they will be identical, in fact, so identical that you will not be able to convince the replica that he/she has no possessions any longer. That's where it has to end. At that point, there will be two separate beings each with their own consciousness. Now, it may be a great thing for the world for your knowledge and life experience to carry on. The world has lost nothing. That however, does nothing for me and my consciousness. Under this scenario my consciousness will still end eventually and that's all I really care about. Rick Pierce Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11247