X-Message-Number: 11256 Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:27:54 -0500 From: Saul Kent <> Subject: Reply To Donaldson In msg. #11242, Thomas Donaldson asked me to comment on the following: > Since 21st Century Medicine is doing such research, we need > ways to provide more funding for 21st Century Medicine, directed not at the > preservation of kidneys but at the preservation of brains. I would like to hear > more from Saul Kent on what is possible here. To some extent, it may become possible to invest money in 21st Century Medicine (21CM) specifically directed at brain cryopreservation, rather than the preservation of other organs and tissues. However, this will only become possible after we cover a number of costs required for the continued progress of 21CM's research program as a whole. Examples of such costs are the construc- tion of animal care facilities, the acquisition of the commercial rights to valuable intellectual property, the hiring of additional personnel, and the purchase of additional equipment. We're also pursuing the possibility of funding brain cryopreservation research in part through revenues from products developed from the brain research itself. In any case, one of 21CM's in-house research projects will definitely be brain cryopreservation. We will be able to do so because most of the company's research into the cryopreservation of biologic systems with short-term commercial potential will be conducted by researchers at outside laboratories, with whom we are collaborating. ---Saul Kent, CEO 21st Century Medicine Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11256