X-Message-Number: 11258 From: Thomas Donaldson <> Subject: What can we do to contribute to 21st Century's research Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 22:18:38 +1100 (EST) Hi everyone! To Saul Kent: Sure, I am happy to contribute to lab equipment too, basically because I trust 21st Century Medicine to somehow get the brain research we need to be done, done ASAP. But you do not really answer just how we can contribute ANYTHING now or soon. I am happy to devote some money to 21st Century Medicine, but so far no provisions allowing me to do so have been made public. I would even like to help out in other ways, if I can, but that (I agree) is likely to be more involved. At one time Charles Platt argued that we were doing nothing when we engaged in philosophical (or even empirical, scientific) discussions of consciousness and how it works. For many of us, there is very little else we can actually do in terms of short term activity. Sure, we are also working on ways to improve our own suspension capability and situation, and it's clear that this is particularly needed in Australia. But working on that just isn't something which can be done all the time --- if it were, you would not notice my comments on Cryonet because I would be working on cryonics elsewhere. Best and long long life to all, Thomas Donaldson Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11258