X-Message-Number: 11263 Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 01:57:20 -0700 From: Mike Perry <> Subject: Re: CryoNet #11254 Thomas Donaldson, #11254, writes > >The real issue you raise is that of whether the Universe itself is >finite-state. It seems to me that if it expands indefinitely then that >idea looks shaky from the start --- and current cosmological results, >especially experimental results, suggest an indefinite expansion. No, you are misunderstanding me again. Let's say "digital" rather than "finite state." What is "digital"? Well, related to finite-state, but not the same, if you take infinite time & unbounded space into account. (To really explain this would get involved, but maybe you get the basic idea.) By the way, I'm *glad* the results suggest an indefinite expansion. If the universe were finite-state (I mean forever), it would lead to (no better than) Eternal Return, not to immortality. Why is "digital" important to me? It says something significant about the nature of personhood, if we can accept the implications. That we are not mystical essences, or even the type of process that might happen just once but never again. If we can happen over again (which also needs some idea of "multiplicity" such as a multiverse), it opens a pathway to resurrection. It doesn't negate the possible value of cryonics, but it does provide a "backup." This is very important philosophically, irrespective of the difficulties of "understanding" people in terms of some very large number of states, which are obviously considerable. These points are argued at length in my book--more details on request. Mike Perry Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11263