X-Message-Number: 11278
From:  (Randy)
Subject: Re: Questions about Dr Avi Ben-Abraham
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:30:18 GMT
References: <>

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:47:19 +0200, you wrote:  

>Dear Randy smith > >My name is Amir Ben-David. I'm a journalist, working
for "Ma'ariv", the >second largest daily newspaper in Israel. > >I'm
writing a magazine profile of Dr Avi Ben-Abraham, now a candidate for >the
>Israeli parliament. He was the president of the amrican cryonic society
>between the years 86' to 93'. He was the founder of Ben-Abraham
>Technologies, a biotechnology company, based in Atlanta, Georgia.  > >I
will appreciate any kind of Information, memories, >quotes, tips etc, you
can give me on Dr Ben-abraham. > >You can contact me via my E-mail:
 > >Thanks for your patience and time. > >Amir
Ben-David > >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >AMIR
BEN-DAVID >E-mail -  >Home/fax - +972-3-6913049
>Office - +972-3-5632111 >Mobile - +972-52-426095 >Pager - +972-3-6750750


Amir, I can vaguely recall the name, but I am crossposting your message to
the cryonics email list, Cryonet. Hopefully, someone there can respond in
more detail.  

As for cryonicists in general, they tend to be well-read, fairly
well-educated, and early adopters of new ideas.  

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