X-Message-Number: 11284
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 20:46:26 +0800
From: Robert Horley <>
Subject: Re: CryoNet #11277 - #11281

>Message #11277
>From: Thomas Donaldson <>
>Subject: brain stem cells 
>Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:53:25 +1100 (EST)
>Hi everyone!

>New neurons, of course, will help repair several
>different kinds of brain damage --- something which may happen soon ---
>but they cannot be expected to hold any fragments of memories which their
>destroyed predecessors held. 


I f the theories of W. H. Calvin are true (see "The Cerebral Code"), then
memories are not stored in individual neurons but are disributed throughout
the different parts of the brain as a resonating pattern.  Which seems to
imply that once we have fresh neurons available, then any remnant of a
memory pattern in any part of the brain will start to rebuild the pattern
over the whole brain.  So perhaps a lot of memories will start to self
repair and come to the surface again.

Robert Horley

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