X-Message-Number: 11285 Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 10:29:52 -0500 (EST) From: Charles Platt <> Subject: Lovable Relatives On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Dave Pizer wrote: > Let's say, for instance, Thomas would bring back his grandmother whom he > knew. But she would not be happy without her mother (or other friends and > relatives which Thomas might not have known). And then her mother (or > other friends or relatives) and her mother (et al) on so on, until we *do* > get to Lucy. I'm amused that Dave assumes we would all WANT our relatives to be resurrected. Personally I would be horrified and dismayed by the prospect of seeing some of them brought back to life. I was quite relieved when my mother finally died, and was happy to follow her precise instructions for cremation, knowing that this would guarantee a permanent demise. There are even some people who are frozen, whom I would hope not to have to talk to at great length in the future. In their cases however I would feel ethically obligated to assist in their resuscitation, even though none of them is a CryoCare member. Conclusion: Personally I find that ethics are more powerful than family ties, as a motivator for restoring lide. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=11285