X-Message-Number: 11289
From: "veronica sullivan" <>
Subject: Re ethics and lovable relatives
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 20:34:33 +0800

I reluctantly agree with Charles Platt on this one(and acknowledge my own
personal bias).There are certainly relatives and significant others who I
personally would not like to see around in the future.However, this in
itself is discriminatory and bias to the individual/individuals concerned.An
ethical dilemma in itself.

1)The potential ethical dilemma's for the future are-What if our favourite
Granny, was 'resurrected' and didn't wish to be?

2)Once our genes are mapped on a global basis,scientists,in the future and
in some instances now, will not only be able to identify and alter
genetic,inheritable diseases,but also perhaps identify an allele for
criminal behaviour,deviancy,psychopathy and psychosis(the list will be
endless).In which case there is a potential scenario for any of us in stasis
to have the 'rogue' gene/genes altered?(assuming of course those people in
stasis carried any 'rogue genes').

Would we not then be different personalities?My belief though somewhat
utopian is that human individuality is the fundamental natural resource of
our species.Recognition of,and respect for,individual differences is
essential to the ethic of  an individuals worth.The good and the bad. I am
not saying that people in the future shouldn't be disease and mental illness
free,however it is our inherent differences that make us all unique.

Conclusion;- 1) We can love some of the people some of the time----------

                   2) Think we should definately bring back Lucy!

Long Life,

Veronica Sullivan,


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