X-Message-Number: 11299
From: "Dr. Gerald Olschewski" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 16:00:26 +0100

To: Igor Artyuhov  

You wrote:  

> It is highly probable that compounds like CF3-OH would be >
water-soluble, but they may be toxic also. I don't know about any >
research on such substances.  

The hydrogen atom of CF3-OH should be highly acidic due to the
charge-withdrawing properties of the CF3-group. Therefore it will surely
be water-soluble, but as a rather strong acid inappropriate for use as a

I have actually no data about CF3-OH, but the similar CF3-CH2-OH is very
water-soluble with a freezing span of -45° to -43°C. The problem with
CF3-CH2-OH, as probably with CF3-OH also, is in addition to its acidic
properties its flamability above 30°C, it is irritating and has a LD 50
(oral) in rats of 240 mg/kg.  

Dr. Gerald Olschewski  

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