X-Message-Number: 11791
From: Thomas Donaldson <>
Subject: to John Grigg
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 22:49:40 +1000 (EST)

To Thomas Grigg:

Though I am not a Christian I do have something to say about cryonics
which may interest you.

Basically we've all become cryonicists because we doubt the current
definition of "death", which is not only very muddy when you look at it
closely, but is also very much tied to current technology. At one time
no one knew how to revive people even after a few minutes of no heartbeat
and no breathing. Now in hospitals, and sometimes successfully as a part
of First Aid, we do this almost without thinking what it means. And if
you watch what is happening in on the medical side, NONcryoncist
researchers have lengthened the period in which someone can be revived to 
almost 10 minutes, and look like they will do more. So that means that
even if you haven't had a heartbeat or a breath for the 5 minutes we still
hear about a lot, you still remain ALIVE.

And so we think that the only valid definition of "death" requires that
NO FUTURE TECHNOLOGY, even into the very far future, can revive a person.
And even though people who are now in cryonic suspension are considered to
be "dead" by those who are not cryonicists, their frozen condition means
that they can wait, if necessary, for several millenia to be revived
(though most cryonicists think that revival will happen much sooner than
that). Hence, we do not know if they are dead at all, and have good
reasons to believe they may actually remain alive.

And to Christians such as yourself I would say this: so far as I know, God
has never directed you to commit suicide. For that matter, just what
God may want of you and your life remains unknown. And since it is the 
Christian thing to try your best to stay alive, then a logical Christian
will think carefully about cryonics. Those who do not have been fooled by
all the Authorities who tell you that you are dead after only 5 minutes,
and haven't even heard of the successful work to increase that period.

As for what might happen if your suspension fails, you can say when judged
that you genuinely tried to stay alive as long as possible. 

			Best wishes and long long life to all,

				Thomas Donaldson

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