X-Message-Number: 12124 From: "John de Rivaz" <> Subject: Why one off beat movement is more popular than another Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:16:34 +0100 People have debated why one particular movement rather than another is a success. This may explain why, even though it is about films rather than books - the principles ought to be the same. It is taken from Butterfly Economics, by Paul Ormerod. To read more about this book, please click on: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0571200419/longevityreport Living at the Edge of Chaos (del re an ants nest and two equal piles of food equidistant from it, and how the pattern of visits to each pile is not 50:50) An ant coming out of the nest follows one of three possibilities: it visits the food pile it previously visited; it is persuaded by a returning ant to visit the other source; or, of its own volition, it decides to try the other pile itself. And this is almost all that is required to explain the complex and seemingly baffling phenomenon of the fluctuations in the proportions of ants visiting the respective piles. (Del) When this chapter was first being written, the film Anaconda emerged as an enormous and completely unexpected box office hit in the United States. Described by one film critic as 'a movie about huge snakes devouring a B-grade cast', it nevertheless took $43 million in cinema receipts in the first three weeks of its release. This is by no means untypical in the film industry. Indeed, during the process of revising the chapter, the low-budget British film The Full Monty, featuring as its key characters redundant steel workers from a depressed, industrial part of Britain, also became a major American hit. Tremendous successes emerge from nowhere, and films made with huge budgets, replete with glittering names, can flop. Recent examples of major commercial failures include Hudson Hawk and The Postman, despite massive funding and leading stars. The American economists Arthur De Vany and W. David Wallis published an article in the Economic Journal in November 1996 using a more complicated version of the ants model to account for success or failure in the American cinema. They tested the model by comparing its properties with those of the weekly data provided by Variety's Top 50 films in America. The principle of positive feedback operated with devastating effect. During the nine months which they analysed, the top four films took over 20 per cent of all box office receipts, and the bottom four less than one hundredth of 1 per cent. The highest-grossing film had revenue of $49 million, whereas the film exactly in the middle (defined as the position where the number taking more than its revenue is the same as the number taking less) took only $300,000. And the worst performer had a total revenue of under $5,000, representing a ratio of 10,000:1 in favour of the most successful over the least. The tremendous uncertainty surrounding the success or failure of a new release is reflected in the very brief tenure of studio heads. de Vany and Wallis attempted to contact nearly 400 film executives, but one third of their letters were simply returned with no forwarding address. A disaster with a major film can even bankrupt a studio, as happened, for example, with United Artists and Heaven's Gate. The key to the whole process is interacting agents. Movie-goers make or break films by telling their friends, an activity which is reinforced by the role of reviewers. The ants leave a trail for others to follow, but here the word is spread through conversation and reading newspapers. In the orthodox economic theory of consumer behaviour, the tastes and preferences of individuals are given, and the individual then acts so as to maximise his or her 'utility' with respect to these tastes. In the film industry; when a new release is issued, consumers do not know in advance whether they will like it or loathe it. In conventional theory; the actions of individuals are held to reveal their true preferences, but here they have to discover what their preferences really are, which is why the opinions of others influence individual behaviour to such a high degree. The multiplicity of choices available to film-goers leads to an even greater role for the opinions and actions of others in deciding the behaviour of any individual. In the ants model, there are just two food sources from which to choose. In the cinema, any one of the Top 50 films is a potential 'source' to visit. As soon as differences begin to emerge between films, they compound with great speed, hence the enormous differences in revenues earned by the most and least successful. The scope of the available choice is far, far greater than the simple difference between two and fifty possible destinations. Indeed, for all practical purposes, in the film context, the dimension is infinitely large. One person may be a film fanatic, and religiously view every film in the Top 50. At the other extreme, someone else may see none of them. And it is not just the number of films which an individual sees which counts, but the order in which they are seen. For it is the experience of going to a film which spreads the news to others about its value. Seeing a film on the last day of its release does not have the same potential impact as seeing it on the first. The possible permutations of the number of films seen and the order in which they are seen is, even for an individual, gigantic. de Vany and Wallis point out that in a world of just 1,000 film-goers and fifty cinemas, the number of possible outcomes is more than 10 followed by 210 zeros. Enormous uncertainty and hence difficulty of prediction is therefore inherent in the film industry. Even the existence of major stars and a huge advertising budget is no guarantee of success. Indeed, the fact that such a film is released at a large number of cinemas compounds the risk. If the initial audiences do not take to it, this information will spread very rapidly; and the studio will be left with a major failure. The uncertainty of the industry is reflected in its structure. For example, contracts between studios and distributors are very flexible and adaptive, containing large numbers of contingency clauses to try to cover the wide range of possible outcomes. Sincerely, John de Rivaz my homepage links to Longevity Report, Fractal Report, my singles club for people in Cornwall, music, Inventors' report, an autobio and various other projects: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JohndeR Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=12124