X-Message-Number: 12137 From: Thomas Donaldson <> Subject: more comments re asteroid mining versus asteroid collisions Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 18:55:02 +1000 (EST) For Rand Simberg: As I said before, if we can deal with asteroid collisions earlier than 75 years from now I would be among those who would rejoice. However it's far from obvious that a system which mines asteroids will be able to FIND those asteroids likely to collide with the Earth. Such asteroids, among other differences, may simply not be good choices as sources of materials. For that matter, if a group is looking for good sources for water (say) they have no reason to restrict their view to asteroids which might collide with the Earth. They would do far better to look at a wider range. To find those asteroids likely to collide, we'll still have to do a special search aimed at those asteroids and only those. Just who is going to do that search? Ultimately we'll simply have to wait and see. Clearly I think that it will take longer than you do, but I'm not going to argue that it will necessarily take 75 years exactly. I meant that as an approximate number, only. It still seems to me that 25 years is a bit short; I have given my reasons. It will be interesting to see how this issue develops. Best and long long life, Thomas Donaldson PS: By the way, can you send me information about what your company is doing? I've been interested in mining asteroids and private space travel for a long time; I just haven't been active in it, feeling that cryonics needed whatever help it could get far more. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=12137