X-Message-Number: 12202
From: "John de Rivaz" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: brain donation/brain only preservation
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:34:30 +0100

I agree wholeheartedly with this viewpoint. Unfortunately it is not really a
cryonics issue, it is part of the bigger issue of whether lawyers should be
allowed to make money from people by fighting them in the courts over a
complex series of "rights" about issues such as what is done with "dead"
bodies or the assets of "dead" people.

Personally, I think that your body and your assets are yours do do with as
you will. The only situation in which lawyers should intervene is if "your"
assets were in fact stolen, extorted, or fraudulently obtained from someone
else. I would imagine that most libertarians would agree, and most
authoritarians would not.

Authoritarians regard anyone's body and assets as part of the collective
from which they seek esteem, fees or whatever for controlling. They would
argue that their control is entirely benevolent and for everyone's
collective good. If someone who is so ill that modern medicine cannot cure
them, (as defined by criteria such as no heartbeat or no brain electric
currents) their body can be ripped open, eviscerated, and subsequently
rotted or burned and their assets distributed to whoever the authoritarians
deem worthy of receiving them (subject so some debatable rules). This is
justified on the grounds that it is for the collective good and it is only
reasonable that officers working as part of the current top-dog authority
structure receive around ten times the average wage for doing it.

At least some progress has been made - they don't still rip open bodies that
are still conscious as in the final scene from the film "Braveheart" -
goulish  :-)
A stupendous historical saga, Braveheart won five Oscars, including Best
Picture and Best Director for star Mel Gibson. He plays William Wallace, a
13th-century Scottish commoner who unites the various clans against a cruel
English King, Edward the Longshanks (Patrick McGoohan). Not really much to
do with cryonics, but if you like historical dramas, it is worth spending
3hrs watching this video. The cost in terms of money is trivial, and anyone
who thinks the past was better than the future is likely to be disillusioned

Sincerely, John de Rivaz
my homepage links to Longevity Report, Fractal Report, my singles club for
people in Cornwall, music, Inventors' report, an autobio and various other
projects:       http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JohndeR

> Message #12194
> Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:00:45 -0400 (EDT)
> From: diana singh <>
> Subject: brain donation/brain only preservation
> I don't think that I need any affidavit from any one to sign up for
> cryonics.
> (or for donating my brain). It is a personal decision and no one should
> be
> allowed to interfere in this. It would allow others to justify whether
> one
> should be revived or not. Even people of high status will agree with
> this point.

> Donating money is a personal issue. It should be left to the individual
> patient. If a person wants to sign up for cryonics in any way
> (neuro/full body/
> brain) it should be his/her own decision and must be cleared before
> death
> with the institute/lawyers concerned.

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