X-Message-Number: 12221
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 20:17:27 +1000
From: Simon Carter <>
Subject: Why Your Medical File Belongs Online
References: <>

The following page mentions organisations planning to put medical information
online for ease of access by medical personnel. Cryonics providers may like to
adopt this idea - perhaps even placing a URL on our bracelets.


> PersonalMD.com and its competitors are building businesses on the idea that
> some online information could save your life. 
> It's 2 a.m. and paramedics rush an unconscious man to an emergency room.
> Little is known about the patient, and his medical records are not
> available until the start of the business day, so a doctor runs
> a battery of expensive and time-consuming tests. 
> But another scene may soon unfold. This time, paramedics reach the patient
> who is carrying a medical-alert card emblazoned with a Web address. They
> radio the information to the hospital, where a nurse logs onto a Web
> site containing the patient's medical records. By the time the ambulance
> arrives at the ER, a doctor has reviewed the patient's medical history
> and charted a course of possible treatment.
> ...

-- Simon Carter
-- Software Verification Research Centre
-- The University of Queensland, QLD 4072
-- Tel: +61 7 3365 1647

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