X-Message-Number: 12799 From: "Marty Kardon" <> Subject: cryonics, belief and egyptian mummies Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 09:39:56 -0500 Notwithstanding my hand wringing about "survivors"... My family and I are on the verge of completing a sign up for post "mortem" preservation/suspension. For me this is more than a financial, scientific exercise. There is a significant personal/emotional aspect to it. In a way its similar to the egyptians who mummified [preserved] their bodies for use in the next life. They had no guarantee it would work but those who could did it anyway. With the wisdom of "modern" hindsight we now see how undoable their plans were. What will they think of us in 1,000 years. We may be fodder for future museums. Ultimately cryo-preservation is act of myopic, if not blind, faith when we hope or expect revival. In any event we all have our opinions. George Smith and Prof. Ettinger are, for me, always uplifting in their postings. Mike Darwin can be down right depressing. Charles Platt, as a journalist I suppose, expresses more of a middle ground point of view. One or the other, or just as likely none of them are right. For anyone to elect suspension at this time is ultimately an act of almost religous belief in the god of science. Of course the alternative is guaranteed extinction so why not give it a shot? My fingers will be crossed in the dewar. Marty Kardon (e-mail) Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=12799