X-Message-Number: 13363
From: "George Smith" <>
References: <>
Subject: For Paul Wakfer 
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 18:19:22 -0800

Re: Cryonet message # 13361

Wow, Paul.  You must have a whole lot of friends!

I'm sorry, buddy, but I do not agree that it is okay (or even very smart) to
insult ANYBODY, no matter WHAT you think of their "character" or for any
other reason.

Some people just don't take kindly to insults.

Me?   I'm not upset. I just consider the source.  You're still young.  "Live
and let live" is my motto.

Well, my friend, I'll tell you what.  Let's continue this conversation in
another 100 years, okay?

Maybe by then you'll be less emotional about it and, what's more, we'll
probably know what's what on this whole issue of cryonics anyway.

What?  What did you say?  You are not signed up for cryonics?  Is that

Too bad.

Well, hope you change your mind.

Sure would be fun to get together then and talk about what happened!

So until then,

Best Wishes and Good Luck!

George Smith

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