X-Message-Number: 13690
Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 08:55:00 -0400
From: James Swayze <>
Subject: Re: CryoNet #13687 - #13689
References: <>

> Message #13689
> Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 09:51:40 -0400
> From: Thomas Donaldson <>
> Subject: CryoNet #13683 - #13686
> Hi everyone!
> It seems to me that the main problem of quadriplegia and other such
> conditions has to do with nerve connections rather than muscles ---
> which is not to deny the existence of conditions in which our muscles
> DO become wasted.
> In this context it's very important that work is going on RIGHT NOW
> to find out ways to regrow connections between the nerves to the
> muscles and those from our brain. This naturally includes ways to
> reconnect broken or severed spinal cords. There are a number of
> experimental treatments which actually show partial success ie
> regrowth of some but not all nerves or partial repair of spinal
> cords. References on request.
> If we merely repair muscles in such conditions, without somehow
> repairing the connections, we've essentially gotten nowhere. Something
> may also need to be done to regrow wasted muscles AFTER broken
> connections have been regrown, but it is the loss of nerve connections
> which is primary.
> Incidentally, in cryonics terms this strongly suggests that if
> given a head-only suspension there should not be any basic problem
> in reconnecting the patient with a body. In terms of getting the
> body (unless we do something even more advanced, which is to make
> the head grow another body much as embryos do) I can forsee lots
> of ethical carrying-on, but the basic SCIENTIFIC and MEDICAL problem
> would not be a big problem... and maybe by the time we can do the
> reconnection well enough, the body problem will have become only
> a historical controversy long settled. Maybe.
> Somewhat more advanced methods would certainly allow repair of
> brains --- EXCEPT for the major problem of recovering memories.
>                 Best and long long life for all,
>                         Thomas Donaldson
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas, this essentially is true, however, living it I know where increased
muscle mass also could help me and others right now. As the atrophy wasting

occurs one area of trouble is that the ischiam bones of the lower pelvis tend to
protrude through where once glutial muscle mass padded them. Essentially you
wind up with skin on bone. This invites skin break down from pressure sores and
millions of dollars are spent each year on skin grafts. The area is prone to
infection because of waste matter nearby and so is a real potential health

The same pressure sore propensity can be ascribed to any area where a little

extra muscle mass would otherwise prevent bony protrusions. Even the backside of
the legs since we don't just sit on our butts alone would benefit.

Some people are using electro stim muscle exersises to try and keep as fit as

possible for when the cure does come down. When a cure is found it will be those
that are the newest injured who will be considered first since less wasting has
occured to them.

Also when trying to keep ones weight in control and if using electro stim the

more muscle mass to burn up calories the better, am I right? For my own diabetes

control and vanity I would like more muscle mass and an electro stim unit for my
abdomanal area. For any para or quad that uses a manual chair, and some quads
actually do, one can never have too much arm and shoulder muscle mass for
pushing the chair and lifting oneself.

I don't wish to diminish the need for spinal research. For those of us living it
there is nothing more important. There is, though, more than just that to
consider so that more of us will still be around and fit enough for the cure. I
would like that information you have on this Thomas, please. Thanks

"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
       NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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