X-Message-Number: 13793 Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 09:07:37 -0700 Subject: re: Brain Jumping From: Ivan Snyder <> Hello again cryonauts, I prefer the term cryonauts, since you need not be frozen inorder to be designated so. NASA calls its astronauts in-training ( though they may not have been in space ) *astronauts*. Back to the issue of brain jumping, Mr. Ettinger replied: >Ivan Snyder (#13784) writes about brain fusion and "identity chips." >No, he isn't the first to consider such ideas, although I had not heard of >the actual Siamese Twin phenomenon he mentioned, siblings with brains fused >together and (apparently) able to communicate internally. / >Certainly it should become possible, through future technology, to allow >mediated but seemingly direct communication from one person to another, a >kind of telepathy. This will dramatize and intensify the questions--whether >"identity" is shared and so on. There are no current answers--only opinions, >often held with irrational certitude. / >Personally, I am very uncomfortable with live (conscious) animal >experimentation (which we do not do at CI), and would rather wait for >computer simulations where feasible, along with the use of dead animals. >Robert Ettinger >Cryonics Institute >Immortalist Society >http://www.cryonics.org Ivan again, Thank you kindly Mr. Ettinger for your response, I know of your work and am honored. There was shown x-ray photos of the fused brains of the twins, and it looked like there was merely contact. It appeared that if they were separated, both twins would have complete ( or nearly so ) brains. It was most interesting that these twins shared thought. Perhaps we could learn enough from such studies that we need not animal experiment. My thread on brain jumping was a demonstration of feasibility; it may already have taken place. My opinion is that next level brain jumping as I described may happen sooner that what is expected to be gained through nanotech. Brain jumping is more technologically in sight. I urge that we explore this direction. It may be only ten years away, but of course there will be the setback of the morality issue against cloning fresh new human bodies to jump into. And, I must admit, that this would be more creepy than the nanotech restoration. I suppose that's the crux of it. Ivan Snyder Hermosa Beach California ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=13793