X-Message-Number: 1387 Date: 03 Dec 92 01:43:34 EST From: "Steven B. Harris" <> Subject: CRYONICS Earthquakes Posted by Steve Harris Posted to Cryonet Readers The Subject is Earthquakes Dear Folks: Some of you may or may not have caught the LA Times Dec 1 edition, which has an article called "Scientists Hike Probability of Major Quake." The essence of it is that on Nov. 30 the probability of a major quake occuring within Southern California was officially hiked from 4% per year, up to a 5 to 12% chance per year, with a 47% chance of a major quake in the next FIVE years. Yes, you got that right. Almost even odds of us getting nailed within FIVE years. The increased odds are the result of increased stress on the fault caused by the section of fault being freed to move as a result of the recent Landers quake. That quake, by moving a large block of earth away from the San Andreas fault, destroyed some of its frictional static support. It's all sort of like a house being propped up by timbers, and several of them have recently fallen out from under it. It's only a matter of time before it goes down, and the time is getting shorter. And now the paragraph in the TIMES that I found most interest- ing in terms of Alcor and cryonics: "If the quake does occur, it probably will be centered on the San Andreas Fault close to San Bernardino, Riverside or Palm Springs, and cause more damage and causualties than the Landers earthquake, the report released Monday said." So there we are. By some cosmic quirk and vicious irony of the cruel and merciless universe, we Alcor cryonicists have chosen to store all our patients more or less exactly on top of the ONE PLACE in the country most likely to have a "great quake" (Richter 8 or so) in the next five years. Gaaahhh!!! I'm not pointing a finger of blame because there's nobody to blame-- it's just Mother Nature being her usual bitchy self (see the problem of aging for another example). However, might I suggest that we put the task of getting patient storage OUT of Riverside a notch or two higher on our agenda for the next couple of years? Yes, I know that it's extremely difficult in terms of money, but we at least need to keep it in front of our minds all the time. And if we absolutely cannot move within a couple of years, is *everything* possible being done to protect things at our current facility? EVERYTHING??? Wrack your brains, folks, we're in deep doo-doo. Steve Harris Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=1387