X-Message-Number: 14118 Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 20:09:38 -0400 From: Thomas Donaldson <> Subject: about Wicca and insurance To Ruthanna Gordon: You've given a good and interesting summary of the current state of Wicca. Those who have written on the history of religion would say that Wicca is an invention of the 20th Century, with few resemblances to the older version --- but that's OK. After all, we're going through lots of changes, and have been through more, and it's quite unreal to suppose that a religion viable in the 10th Century AD will much resemble one viable in the 20th. The one thing your summary lacked was some references to books etc where those interested could find out more. I ask this not because I'm personally interested in such books, but because others on Cryonet might be. As for my own religious lenings, I was raised as an Episcopalian (one branch of Christianity) but have come to believe that religions are irrelevant, not just for cryonicists but generally. We cannot really transfer responsibility for our actions to ANY other institution or "person"; we have to take responsibility ourselves, and act as WE think best. Not to do that is merely to fool oneself. Even if there is a God or Goddess who claims to be in charge of the Universe, we still must make our own decisions ... we just have a powerful being that makes various (false) claims about how he or she will happily decide "for us". And I hope that you sign up (with or without your husband or lover) ASAP. At a minimum, get the insurance you'll need. The problem is that even if you don't DIE in a few years, you could well find out that you suffer from a disease which makes you uninsurable ... which will come close to putting an end to your ideas about cryonics. I say this as someone who suffered (and survived) a brain tumor, but took out lots of life insurance before I ever knew I would have that problem. Yes, I recovered, though it did cause damage to my thinking (mostly my physical coordination). There are lots of people aged in their 20's or 30's who find out they have conditions which make them hard or impossible to insure. Best wishes and long long life to all, Thomas Donaldson Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=14118