X-Message-Number: 14723
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 21:06:08 -0500
From: david pizer <>
Subject: What is it?


If what Lee said is true:
>........... memory, though vastly important and central,
>isn't sufficient:  your personality also depends on other
>things---two probably being your attitudes and core beliefs.


Question One:	 What is the exact difference between memory in your brain
and attitudes and core beliefs, if there is any?

Question Two:  Assuming Lee has the memory "It was hot yesterday, when I
was playing chess"  and Dave has the exact memory at the same exact time,
"It was hot yesterday, when I was playing chess" - Does having the same
exact memory at the same exact time make it the case that in that instant
Dave and Lee are the same person (that sounds to me like what Lee is
saying); or does the fact that Dave and Lee each are feeling the exact
information in their two different brains show that no matter how identical
the memories were that they shared, Lee and Dave would still (and always)
be two separate, different persons, even under any possible conditions of
feeling the same memory in their different brains?

Dave Pizer

(OK, after this I'll give it a rest)

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