X-Message-Number: 14873 Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 19:37:53 -0500 From: david pizer <> Subject: I wish I knew I wish I knew By: David Pizer Pizer had said that he thought a new method of how to explain *feeling* was needed other than using mathematical relations. We need a method so precise that it could help a being that never experienced *feeling* to completely understand what feeling felt like. Henri Kluytmans said: >Which method do you have in mind ? My answer is "I don't know one. But just because I don't know a method that can better explain how feeling feels, does not mean that the present method does not do the job. It's problems like this that need solving that require us to become immortal, so we will have time to get the job(s) done. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=14873