X-Message-Number: 14945
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 15:08:04 -0500
From: david pizer <>
Subject: Even closer?

Thanks for the comments. I think if we explore this for a couple thousand
years, we will find the answers.


>From: Jeffrey Soreff <>
>Subject: Re: Moving closer to agreement on identities vs persons.


> Dave,
>what do you think of other people choosing to make backups or
>copies, even if you find the prospect unattractive yourself?

If a backup could be made without damage to the original, I think it would
be worthwhile.  No one can know at this early stage, for sure, that the
back up is, or is not, the original, so it would be worth doing.  I would
do it, even though I have doubts that the backup is me.  What if I am wrong?


>From: Mike Perry <>
>Subject: Duplicate Conflict Again


>Once again (since this has come up before), to my thinking the very
>conditions described violate the requirements of a duplicate. 

Yes, Mike is correct.  I overlooked this.

>Your double
>must not be different from you in any way, shape or form, in terms of what
>he perceives or experiences. (This, of course, is my own point of view and
>may not be shared by every non-Pizerist.) But here, you "know" that "I am
>about to be destroyed, that other guy isn't." Your double can't say this, at
>least in terms of "knowing," so he isn't your double.


Very good point, Mike.  I should have said:  Both you and your double are
told that 
one of you has to be destroyed.  Would one of you mind which one it was?
(This question could be asked to each thereby keeping them indentical in
information.  I would assume they would probably each answer the same?

Although I don't doubt the honesty of non-Pizerists who say they would not
mind being destroyed if their identical was to exist, somehow, I cannot
overlook the notion that when the question was asked to a flesh and blood
original or duplicate, I think they might, at least, studder........


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