X-Message-Number: 15837 Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 11:54:41 -0500 From: david pizer <> Subject: Restrictions I support the Chamberlain/Alcor policy of having visiting journalist agree to refer to Alcor's patients only as patients and not anything else. I appreciate this insistence of respect for these presently helpless people. I am not worried about what the press says about living cryonicists. We can take care of ourselves in any debate about cryonics vs non-cryonics. But the patients are not in condition, at this time, to defend themselves, although when they are revived, I am sure they will be able to make fools of the memories of mean-spirited journalists who were rude to them. For now, the only people who can defend the patients are the staff at Alcor, and this policy is a good way to start. David Pizer Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=15837