X-Message-Number: 15843
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 12:24:07 -0500
From: david pizer <>
Subject: How is memory stored in the brain?

How is memory stored in the brain?

I was discussing this with Mike Perry and he suggesed Thomas Donaldson may
have an answer, and/or any other opinions from this forum are welcome.

Mike pointed to a reference or sorts that shows that loss of dendritic
spines occurs in senile dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.  That
suggest that loss of the spines occurs at the same time as loss of memory,
or loss of access to the memory.

I have always considered that dendritic spines are associated with memory
because I faintly remember (but I can't remember the name - my spines that
held this may have changed :=) ) seeing a video showing evidence of this.

Does anyone know?


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