X-Message-Number: 16179 Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 05:30:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Ben Best <> Subject: HSCP -- Experiments and Accomplishments The Hippocampal Slice Cryopreservation Project (HSCP) is scheduled to terminate at the end of this June, but we are still several thousand dollars short of necessary funds to keep the project going that long. I need hardly stress the importance of brain cryopreservation research to our survival. The project has gathered a momentum of discovery that make it all the more important to keep it running to the very end. It can take years to get this kind of momentum started again -- and we have seen such tragic interruptions before in the history of kidney cryopreservation research. To encourage others to contribute to keeping the HSCP going as long as possible I have summarized the Experiments & Accomplishments of the project to date. The summary is shown below the asterisks as part of this message, and can also be found on my website: http://www.benbest.com/cryonics/hscp.html Please do contribute if you can to The Institute for Neural Cryobiology (INC) which passes all contributions to the HSCP research. INC is 501(c)3 and therefore all contributions are tax-deductable. Ben Best, President The Institute for Neural Cryobiology http://www.neurocryo.org/ **************************************************************************** The Hippocampal Slice Cryopreservation Project (HSCP) is a research project being conducted by cryobiologists Dr. Gregory Fahy and Dr. Yuri Pichugin at a major California university with funds provided by The Institute for Neural Cryobiology (INC) and the university. The objective of the project is to cryopreserve hippocampal slices through vitrification at -130C, with complete viability upon rewarming. The hippocampus is the area of the brain thought to be most critical in learning new information through a process known as LTP (Long-Term Potentiation). More neurophysiological experiments are performed on hippocampal slices than on any other brain tissue.The hippocampus is also the brain tissue most easily damaged by oxygen deprivation (ischemia) and is one of the first areas of the brain affected by Alzheimer's Disease. In addition to the medical and neurophysiological significance of the hippocampus is the fact that hippocampal slices are not only easy to study & manipulate, but are so widely studied by others that considerable literature & equipment exists to assist the study. The HSCP uses hippocampal slices which Dr. Pichugin prepares from rat brains and evaluates for viability in an Oslo Chamber. An Oslo Chamber is a plastic container that looks like a casserole dish with aerated partitions where hippocampal slices can be maintained in an environment controlled for temperature, oxygenation and humidity. Hippocampal slices from an adult rat can live in Oslo Chambers for 12 hours or longer. Injuries to slices occurring during surgical removal from a rat brain may even heal in the Oslo Chamber. An initial experiment compared introduction of various cryoprotectants with stepped increases (and washouts) of cryoprotectants so as to reach peak concentration at 22C, 2C and -22C. Mannitol was added on washout to buffer against osmotic jolts. Only in this initial experiment was MTT (a measure of the ability of mitochondria to transport electrons) used as an assay of viability. In all subsequent experiments the viability assay was based on potassium/sodium (K+/Na+) ratio. For neural tissue, especially, the ability of cells to maintain membrane potential with the sodium pump is an easily-measured & reliable indicator of viability. The frozen tissues (with no cryoprotectant) showed no better than 12% viability. The cryoprotectants used in this initial experiment were ethylene glycol (used in automobile antifreeze), DMSO, glycerol and Veg (pronounced "Vee Ee Gee", not "veg"). Veg is a modification of the cryoprotectant cocktail VS41A (VS41A is a Vitrification Solution which is a mixture of DMSO, formamide and propylene glycol) in which the propylene glycol is replaced with an equal weight of ethylene glycol. [Veg is patent pending, 21st Century Medicine (21CM).] DMSO showed the worst viability, ethylene glycol the next worst -- while Veg was superior to glycerol for at least 2 of the 3 temperatures. (Suda's experiments had also shown glycerol to be superior to DMSO.) Decades ago the Japanese experimentalist I. Suda had exposed whole cat brains to 15% glycerol, stored them for 5 days at -20C and then demonstrated that the cat brains had EEG patterns similar to those of cat brains that had not been subject to cooling [NATURE 212:268-270 (1966) and BRAIN RESEARCH, Vol.70, p.527-531 (1974)]. In the spirit of Suda, hippocampal slices were subjected to 30% glycerol and stored for 12 hours at -20C, -40C and -76C. Although the controls exposed to 30% glycerol showed 70% viability,those cooled and stored at -20C were essentially dead. Those stored at -40C and -76C had slightly better viability, but not more than 15% viability. Using 30% Veg rather than glycerol produced even worse results -- possibly because the temperature of introduction of Veg was too high. Veg needs to be added at a *lower* temperature than glycerol. In addition to the ice crystal damage of freezing and the toxicity of cryoprotectant, attempts to cryopreserve organs & tissues are also hampered by a mysterious phenomenon of unknown mechanism known as "chilling injury". To investigate this phenomenon hippocampal slices were cooled to 0C for one hour (without cryoprotectant) and then rewarmed & assayed. The slices showed 30% of the viability of controls which had been maintained at 37C. Hippocampal slices held at 0C in artificial CerebroSpinal Fluid (aCSF) for 50 minutes also showed 30% viability. This result was not changed by using modified aCSF containing mannitol (maCSF) instead of the standard aCSF, at 50 min of exposure to 0oC. But adding 10% glycerol seemed to reduce the chilling injury somewhat -- and adding 10% Veg resulted in a 40% viability. 25% Veg (with & without mannitol) resulted in 50% viability. These results indicate a protective effect of Veg against the 0C chilling injury. The experiment was repeated with controls at 37C and 10C as well as with 25% Veg slices at 10C and 0C. There was little significant difference between the 37C controls, the 10C controls or the 10C 25% Veg slices, but the 0C 25% Veg slices lost 30% of viability. This indicates that chilling injury occurs between 10C and 0C. Worse results were obtained with Veg addition at 15C -- indicating that 10C is the optimum temperature for introduction of Veg. Moreover, at 10C introduction of Veg at 5-minute steps of increasing concentration produced better viability than introduction of Veg at 10-minute steps -- indicating that toxicity damage is more important than osmotic damage at this temperature and for these times & concentrations. Experiments also indicated that 300mM mannitol is the optimum concentration for buffering osmotic damage during removal of Veg. Carrier solutions can enhance cryoprotection. RPS-2 (Renal Preservation Solution number 2) was developed by Dr. Fahy in 1981 as a result of studies on kidney slices. RPS-2 actually resulted in hippocampal slice viability at 10C which was 50% *greater* than that of control slices at 37C after one hour in the Oslo Chamber (although the difference disappeared after 2 hours). A combination of 25% Veg with RPS-2 at 10C resulted in viability fully the same as that of 37C controls -- although 25% Veg is insufficient concentration for vitrification. Pushing the Veg concentration to 50% in RPS-2 at 10C brought the slice viability back down to 50% that of the 37C controls. The next experiment was based on the idea that both chilling injury and toxicity should be reduced at sub-zero temperatures. Veg was added at 10C in steps up to 25% concentration, and a final 25% Veg (bringing the total to 50%) was added (and washed-out) at -10C. These 50% Veg slices were only slightly less viable (and not statistically less viable) than the 37C controls. The concentration of Veg required to vitrify is estimated to be 53%. Adding (and later washing-out) 30% rather than 25% Veg at -10C (bringing the total to 55%) resulted in viability 77% of that of controls. In the next experiment one group of slices with 53% Veg was held at -10C while the other group with 53% Veg was cooled to vitrification temperature (-130C) and then rewarmed. The non-vitrified 53% Veg slices had 60% viability and the vitrified 53% Veg slices had 56% viability when compared with controls -- a difference that is not statistically significant. But when the experiment was repeated, the vitrified group was significantly less viable. The following experiment added Veg at 5-minute intervals at 10C (as before), but the final addition (and washout) at -10C was given 10 minutes for diffusion. Viability of both the vitrified and the non-vitrified 53% Veg groups increased, but the vitrified group was still significantly less viable than the non-vitrified group -- and the vitrified group was just under half the viability of 35C controls. Using 10-minute steps throughout all phases of the addition and washout procedure protected completely against vitrification/devitrification injury, but was associated with increased toxicity. Nonetheless, viability was increased to 56% that of controls. Subsequent experiments (still in progress) have made use of ice blockers and cryoprotectant cocktails less toxic than Veg. The results of these experiments have shown promise of achieving over 90% viability -- and perhaps even complete viability of hippocampal slices which have been vitrified at -130C. SUMMARY OF DISCOVERIES FROM THE HSCP (1) Chilling injury can be minimized by minimizing time spent at 0C. Chilling injury is confined to a window between +10C and -10C, being absent at both of these temperatures. (2) Chilling injury can be moderated by cryoprotectants, but not eliminated. Veg moderates chilling injury better than glycerol. (3) RPS-2 can be used with Veg to significantly increase the viability of hippocampal slices. (4) Loading (and unloading) half the Veg at 5-minute intervals at 10C and the other half in a 10-minute interval at -10C can be used to vitrify hippocampal slices at -130C with resulting viability that is 50% that of 35C controls. Using 10-minute steps throughout all phases of the addition and washout procedure protected completely against vitrification/devitrification injury, but was associated with increased toxicity that prevented net viability from increasing above 56% of controls. Thus, less toxic cryoprotectants than Veg are necessary for vitrification with viability significantly higher than 56% of untreated controls. By using ice-blockers and cryoprotectant cocktails less toxic than Veg, it may be possible to vitrify hippocampal slices at -130C with complete, or nearly complete, viability. The project only has a couple of months before it must end when Yuri leaves to do research elsewhere. However, HSCP has insufficient funds to go until the end of June. The work being done now is no mere footnote to the work done previously -- viability of over 90% has been obtained, but not consistently. Only a few thousand dollars are required to take advantage of the current momentum and keep the project running until the end of June. The importance of brain cryopreservation technology can hardly be overstated. Contributions to The Institite For Neural Cryobiology are 501(c)3 tax-deductable. Please send donations to: The Institute for Neural Cryobiology 238 Davenport Road #240 Toronto, Ontario M5R 1J6 CANADA Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=16179