X-Message-Number: 16278 From: Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 08:02:03 EDT Subject: green men Here I suggest the old idea of UFO's suckers could have a cryonics interest. When frozen, proteins misfold and get denatured. The repair job is taken by chaperones, powered by the energy currency inside cells: the Adenosine TriPhosphate (ATP). Douglas Skrecky has publised here an abstract sowing that adding ATP to cells bring a better survival after freezing. The next step would be to add more chaperones, for example from some Agathis trees. These seem to have a large chaperone store specialized in mitochondria repair. Mitochondria are the energy producing power plant of the cell.The main problem is that the chaperone themselve are a protein complex and so may be denaturated by a low temperature. A solution would be to anchor them on a stabilizing media such that a clay crystal. Clay could well become the universal support for biological nanotech devices: it sticks to membranes, stabilize proteins, and may be an primitive enzyme itself. On the other hand, it may be a good support for micro electronics elements. For example a fractal antenna on a crystal surface could receive energy and informations from a microwave beam. Why not then power mitochondria with micro-waves ? The electric current flowing from the crystal would activate the electron transport chain in the mitochondria membranes, and the end result would be the synthesis of ATP. This would take place without sugar consumption (no food) and without oxygen (no ischemic problems). This is an interesting possibility for cryonics, but it could be extended to everyday life. If all our cells was endowed with micro-wave receptors on clay crystals, a radio transmitter would power our biological functions. We would need nor food nor oxygen. We could live underwater or on compressed martian atmosphere without problem. Only water would have to be topped up from time to time. May be a residual classical mitochondria activity would remain, so we could take a breakfirst one time a week and one oxygen lung load every hour... For such a low burning activity, we could as well produce in our skin our own carbohydrate, using grafted chloroplasts from green plants. We could then live from micro-wave, water, Sun ligth and some good breathing. After all, a green man was not a so bad idea :-) Here are some related thinkings: What about green animals? We know our large brain is very energy costly, if there was a new energy source for biological systems, some could aford to pay the bill for a large brain. What about plants growing from micro-wave energy? They could grow in the dark, in the cold, on other planets... They could pay too for a nervous system. What about thinking trees? :-) Yvan Bozzonetti. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=16278