X-Message-Number: 16296 Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 07:23:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Ben Best <> Subject: INC/HSCP (lack of) progress report The Hippocampal Slice Cryopreservation Project (HSCP) experiments have occasionally given results that are close to complete viability, but these results have not been consistent. The variation is VERY large and the search for the sources of variation have been frustrating. I have been trying to beg/cajole for extension of the project another month, but so far without success. I have covered expenses for June, I believe, so don't send more money until I determine how much more is needed, if any. Many thanks to those who have contributed so far. I will provide more information in the near future, I hope. Ben Best, President The Institute For Neural Cryobiology -------------------------------------------- Ben Best () http://www.benbest.com/ Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=16296