X-Message-Number: 17788
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:45:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug Skrecky <>
Subject: pressure shift freezing

Citations: 1-2
  High-presssure shift freezing. Part 2.
  Modeling of freezing times for a finite cylindrical model.
  Biotechnology Progress.  16(6):1037-43, 2000 Nov-Dec.
  A comprehensive vision of the heat transfer process involved in
  high-pressure shift
  freezing (HPSF) is shown in comparison to the process at
  atmospheric pressure. In addition, a mathematical model to
  predict the freezing times is presented. This model takes
  into consideration the dependence of the thermophysical properties relating
  to temperature and pressure and the supercooling reached by
  liquid water at atmospheric pressure after adiabatic
  expansion in the HPSF process. Experimental and theoretical data appear to

  High-pressure shift
  freezing. Part 1. Amount of ice instantaneously formed in
  the process.
  Biotechnology Progress.  16(6):1030-6, 2000 Nov-Dec.
  A mathematical model to calculate the amount of ice formed instantaneously
  after a rapid expansion in high-pressure
  shift processes (HPSF) was developed. It considers that when
  water is expanded it does not extend over its melting curve but reaches a
  metastable state (supercooled water), which also occurs in practice.
  Theoretical results appear to agree with experimental data.

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