X-Message-Number: 178 From att!harald.ruc.dk!david Wed May 30 14:28:25 1990 Return-Path: <att!harald.ruc.dk!david> Received: from att.UUCP by whscad1.att.uucp (4.1/SMI-3.2) id AA10013; Wed, 30 May 90 14:28:24 EDT Received: by att.att.com; Wed May 30 14:08:29 1990 Received: by danpost.uni-c.dk (5.57/4.7) id AA17276; Wed, 30 May 90 17:56:00 GMT Received: from harald.ruc.dk by meza.ruc.dk id AA00017; Wed, 30 May 90 20:08:12 (+0200) Received: by harald.ruc.dk (5.59/Client 2.00) id AA12178; Wed, 30 May 90 19:01:59 DNT Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 30 May 90 19:01:59 DNT From: To: Subject: CRYONICS Options for early suspension Donaldson seeks a court order, but it could be a long and expensive option. As far as legal precedent is concerned, this is the way to go, it is an ideal situation (accept for the US being a bit backward legally these days [maybe its time for Alcor to set up an office here in Europe?]). I recently heard about a women who had run up $1,250,000 in medical bills before the doctors gave up. Surely, suspension would have been a better idea in that case. If the bills and delay get to be too great, here are some other options: "Assisted death" is accepted in The Netherlands (after considerable controversy). Whether that precedent could be extended to this situation is not clear. I guess if two doctors could be found who would go along with idea, it would be hard to prosecute them. Is there a Netherlands registered ship in LA harbor that could put out to sea for a few hours? A bit farther travel would take one over the south pole, a legal no man's land, I have heard. No legal authority, so no prosecution. Would a plane have to land at the pole to make this legal? Suicide is against the law, but it would be pretty hard to prosecute Donaldson after suspension, and after revival, it would be a hard case to win. One problem here is to avoid anyone becoming an accessory to the crime. Having a sympathetic coroner would also be nice. I recall suggesting, after the Dora Kent case, that one of the competent and well trained members of the Cryonics movement might seek such a position. Some time back, I argued that political dynamics were the key to the acceptance of Cryonics. This situation makes it entirely too obvious. This case would be great publicity for Cryonics if it was made a California referendum issue. I don't have great confidence that the current legal strategy will succeed. This is a question of public policy, thus a political question more than a legal one. The legal options are troublesome. If the patient is considered "dead" after suspension, then the court must agree to license euthanasia. Not much chance of this in the USA. If the patient is still legally "alive" after suspension, then the suspension authority could be tried for murder or at least manslaughter if the patient later "dies". This means bringing suspension maintenance activities within the supervision of the state and under the criminal code. The "dead" can have legal rights, or at least this has been suggested. On the other hand, if the suspended person is considered "alive" then, of course, their rights are automatically protected. There must be some kind of balance between the rights of the suspendee and the responsibilities assumed by the suspension authority, or the whole thing could become impossible. It seems that a new state of being ("suspended") must be defined legally. I do not see how this can be done through a court order. David S. Stodolsky Internet: Department of Psychology IP No.: Copenhagen Univ., Njalsg. 88 Voice: + 45 31 58 48 86 DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark Fax: + 45 31 54 32 11 Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=178