X-Message-Number: 180
From att!CompuServe.COM!72320.1642 Thu May 31 17:03:43 1990
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Date: 31 May 90 14:40:16 EDT
To: KEVIN <>,
Subject: ALCOR ON TV
Message-Id: <"900531184016 72320.1642 EHI64-2"@CompuServe.COM>

     Sorry to be last minute on this.  Thomas Donaldson and Carlos
Mondragon, Alcor's President, will be on CNN's "Sonia Live" on Friday,
June 1st.  The show airs at 10:00 a.m. PST.  Set your VCR's!

     Also, taping of "The Phil Donahue Show" has been completed.  No air
date has been scheduled, but we assume within the next two weeks.  Mike
Darwin, Carlos, and Thomas were on the show.  Mike and Carlos have said
that the show went very well.  We will be looking for volunteers to answer 
phones at Alcor when that show is aired.  The typical phone response to
Donahue is 2,000 calls in a two day period.  Let us know if you are in
the Southern California area and interested in helping.

     Alcor had a booth and hosted room parties each night at the recent
Space Development Conference in Anaheim.  This was a national conference
sponsored by the National Space Society.  This was the second year in a
row that Alcor has participated, and it is becoming apparent that the 
"spacers" are natural cryonicists.  These people tend to be practical
activists, trying to make space travel WORK.  They are also people who
recognize that their likely life span may not give THEM a chance to get
into space.  The general reaction to cryonics and to us was very good, 
and we gave 12-15 people a tour of Alcor's facility.  We anticipate getting
several new members from this crowd.

     If you are going to a conference that might have potential for
cryonics interest, let us know.  Perhaps we have some flyers which 
could be provided for you to put out, or we may be able to suggest text
for your own flyers.


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