X-Message-Number: 18356 Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:10:43 -0500 From: david pizer <> Subject: Got any pet projects you want to see done? The below message appeared on CryoNet (I have edited it a little). On my original reply, I did not realize that CryoNet had been copied. However no harm has been done. For those who have some pet projects that they would like to see done in the cryonics movement, or have some ideas to share that they think could help save lives, where there is no other option available, now might be a good time to start a discussion on these ideas. What is the status of the proposed cryonics community? The resort will be completed around June of this year. This will be available to the general public. However I am hoping that it will become a place where cryonicists choose to vacation. We plan to have life extension seminars and conventions. If you have a special cryonics product or service you want to promote, you may want to use our facility and our mailing list. (We don't give you the names but we will send out your message in our regular mailings when they start.) What a good place to sell life extension products or insurance or introduce new ideas. After a few successful years, we want to start on the retirement part of the cryonics community project. In the meantime, if a really good idea comes into your mind, share it on this forum. There is no harm in thinking about things before we are able to begin doing them. ----------------- >1. Think of things our cryonicists want done like: storage of thir personal >treasures, back up insurance in case their regular storage provider goes out of >business, a way to take money with them like an individual trust (like I >have) that can be funded with the sale of their possessions at legal death >or life insurance proceeds, so there will be some money to help get a good start in the future. There are lots of other things cryonicists should want. Think about >them. >2. Think how the Venturists could do these things. Think how you/we will sell or market these products and services. >3. On the ideas that seem popular with the cryonics community, we might consider starting a >fund raising program and see if members want to donate start up money to get this >going. >Sometimes seeing how much money people will donate to start something is a >better indicator of how it will probably be accepted then asking for pledges or >comments. ---------------- David Pizer Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=18356