X-Message-Number: 18371 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:59:02 -0700 From: Jessica Lemler Sikes <> Subject: This Week at Alcor! The following can also be viewed on our website at http://www.alcor.org Week of January 14 through 20, 2001 ........................................................... Mike Perry, PhD., Patient Care Assistant This week I worked on projects relating to the magazine, getting references and revising the text of a book review, and working on the "Tech News" and "For the Record" columns. We had a visitor here Monday who is offering some marketing services we are considering. He is also trying to get some old films copied for a relative of one of our patients, a task that is proving harder than it seemed, and one which I am coordinating. He hinted about the possibility of doing a marketing survey among certain groups of people, to find out how they viewed our services, and I thought about this and presented an idea at Tuesday's staff meeting. It would be to do a series of question and answer sessions with certain individuals. These would be non-cryonicists but who might be persuaded to consider the option if it were suitably presented. We could find out their reasons for not signing up and see if we could meet the objections. (For example, simple misinformation would be one problem we could deal with easily, though I think most of the time we won't be that lucky.) We have a received some generous donations specifically for marketing; this might be a good use of some of that budget. I expect the cost would be modest relative to other marketing-related expenses. In another development we were contacted on Wednesday about a last-minute case: someone's relative had just died. (I took the initial call, then passed it to Dr. Lemler.) The deceased was not a member but allegedly funds were available. In the end, in view of the time lapse since death (over 12 hours, diminishing the likely utility of certain procedures Alcor uses) the caller was referred to another organization. ...................................................... Dr. Jerry Lemler, President, CEO Planning and preparation for major conferences dominated the landscape at Alcor this past week. As many of you know, Alcor benefactor and member, Bill Faloon is forming a new cryotransport company in South Florida, and has invited cryonicists of all stripes to an introductory meeting on Saturday, February 16. Bill has also extended me an invitation to spend the week leading up the the kickoff meeting with him and the principals of this nascent operation, to provide logistical and tactical support on matters of site and staff selection. So, I'll be in the sunshine state (a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to vote there) for the Cryofeast sponsored by Rudi Hoffman on Sunday, February 10, and then drive down to Ft. Lauderdale the following day. I'll be joined mid-week by Alcor Treasurer and Board Member, Michael Riskin. I surely do appreciate Michael's solid number crunching abilities, and his conviviality is a real bonus! Alcor's next major conference is taking shape. We'll be convening in Newport Beach, California, on November 15-18, at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club. Thanks go to Conference Committee Chairman Dr. Ralph Merkle for landing such an outstanding venue. We're now in the process of lining up presenters for this affair, and appropriate announcements will be forthcoming shortly. Finally, following mutual complimentary Cryonet postings, Bob Ettinger and I have opened a personal communications dialogue. We have been joined by ACS President Edgar Swank, the end result of which has been an acceptance of my call for a CryoSummit this summer in Michigan involving all three (and possibly a fourth) of our organizations sending delegations to convene in discussing a mutually prepared agenda, hopefully resulting in the formation of alliances to strengthen our individual organizations as well as the cryonics movement as a whole. ........................................................ Jessica Lemler Sikes, Administrative Associate/Webmaster This week I attended the marketing meeting and offered what I could with regards to the website end of our marketing plan. My notary seal and journal arrived (finally!), so I was able to do my first notarizations this week. I also worked on the minutes from the Executive Session of the Board on January 10th, cleaned up some pages on the website, and compiled an infamous red book (patient information book) on our member who was lost in the World Trade Center on September 11th. I, too, had some computer problems early in the week, but these have been resolved. ....................................................... Paula Lemler, Volunteer Last week I was still working on the data entry for the 2001 deposits, which is tedious and time consuming. Additionally there are always the usual bills to pay and receipts to file. The end of the year brings a flurry of details in the accounting department! This week I completed the 2001 deposits! What a relief! And the mail brings in more bills, so as usual, more checks to write. This volunteer's work is never finished. Isn't it good that I enjoy working with the Alcor staff and for a worthy cause?! ......................................................... Hugh Hixon, Facilities Engineer Friday, continue news interview. Curse computer. Layout of neuroperfusion box. Monday, some layout of neuroperfusion box control box. Cut part of trial tubing set for the perfusion box. Tuesday; our surgeon came in and looked at the head holder arrangement for the perfusion box; back to the drawing board for that part. Staff meeting and administrative stuff. Weld my swivel chair back together. Wednesday, administrative stuff. Some Web research. Design and start building a tubing circuit to test OR data collection. Thursday, continue with test tubing circuit, start organizing for test run. Accept security system installation. Shopping. Bank run. Various e-mail. Set date for OR data collection test. ............................................................ Joe Hovey, Accounting Manager Finished the 1st quarter billing over the weekend. The biggest billing to date. Close to $40,000. Rest of the week was spent on preparing for the tax season. 1099 s have to be submitted and donation/dues letters prepared for all members and donors. This will tie me up for the rest of the month. This all has to be done while keeping the regular bookkeeping up to date. January is the worst month for me. If it sounds like I am whining too much, I am. If it sounds like I am complaining about the workload, I am. Still and all I would rather be here in this job than anywhere else. ............................................................. Mathew Sullivan, Facility Operations Manager Facility Operations: The bulk of my effort over the past week has been to help resolve issues on nine computers. I have installed new hardware and software, troubleshot problems, network issues, installed updates and patches. Made a couple trips out shopping for computer supplies. I made arrangements for Alcor's phone system to have caller ID. Attended a marketing meeting where a company is proposing help us in various areas including website upgrades. I spent a little time on the 2001 digital logbook. .............................................................. Jennifer Chapman, Membership Administrator Customer service This week I processed six applications, although most of these were received prior to the holiday break, which created a slight backlog in my workload. I also finalized two memberships and performed various paperwork and funding reviews for both applicants and members. Contact information It is very important for Alcor to have the most updated contact information for our clients. Any changes in phone and fax numbers (even if it is just the area code), as well as email and postal addresses should be immediately reported to Alcor () to ensure reliable communication. This will benefit my efficiency by minimizing the amount of time spent researching this information. Marketing\Website Over the last few days I have devoted quite a bit of time to researching options for improving our website. This research was prompted after engaging in various meetings with a marketing professional who is composing a proposal for Alcor. Wealth preservation I engaged in a very informative discussion with Phil Herbert (724-482-2532 \ ) regarding the wealth preservation trust and financial services he can offer to our clients and hope to schedule further correspondence regarding this very important aspect of Alcor s membership program. Mailing With the assistance of Jerry Searcy, a mailing was coordinated for the upcoming party and business gathering to be held in Florida. Interested participants can contact Rudi Hoffman (1 800 749 3773) for further details. Visitors It was my pleasure to meet with a group of visitors yesterday and answer general membership questions. I imagine that corresponding with our staff, touring our facility, and reading Alcor Life Extension Foundation: An Introduction makes for an interesting afternoon! Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=18371