X-Message-Number: 18436 From: Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 06:26:06 EST Subject: Re: CryoNet #18432 - #18435 regarding Message #18416 Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 from: Thomas Donaldson Re Donaldson argument that existing service providers will not be overtaken by new more commercially oriented and profit-driven organizations, I can only say that his views fly in the face of economic history and theory and particularly the most recent history of semiconductors, microprocessors and the internet which have become dominant features of contemporary economic life. I have studied these phenomena for nearly 40 years and I can say with some assurance that none of the inventors or early developers of any of these technologies ended up being either a big winner economically or a major player after diffusion reached critical mass. It is also true, of course, that the traditional economic powers in related technical fields were not big winners, either. General Electric, AT&T and IBM were the titans of electronics in the post war period, the equivalent of the major funeraL director organizations today, and while it is true that none of them became industrial leaders in the new waves of technology in the 1980's and 90's, ceding prominence to the likes of AOL and Microsoft, they didn't do too badly either. As Donaldson says, none of us can predict the future with much accuracy, but I think the likelihood of either ALCOR or CI ending up as a major player 50 years from now is between slim and none. This is not, as some might infer, to slight the efforts of either of these two organizations. They have done a magnificent job to actually tool up to provide services for those of us who are way ahead of the popular curve AND DYING NOW. We can't wait for the big surge when our idea's time will have really come, as the saying goes. That's why I'm signed up. I fervently bless and support their efforts, and I respect the dedication and clear purpose they have shown under less than ideal circumstances. In fact I depend on them, realizing that as a 67 year old person my chances of riding the popular wave of an unspecified future are also slim to none. But I also beg for realism and foresight and a cooperative spirit from the respected leaders of the two organizations. I will respond to Bob Ettinger's comments and what I feel is the need for a strong organization of a different kind [somewhat mislabled as an 'umbrella' organization] in a subsequent post. Sincerely and in the hope of survival for all of us, Ronald Havelock, CI member, currently reporting from the paradise of Hawaii where most cryonicists will choose to live upon revival. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=18436