X-Message-Number: 188 From: Kevin Q. Brown Subject: Aug. 24-26 Asilomar Conference Update Date: 11 Jun 1990 Here is an update on the Fri. and Sat. activities at the Aug. 24-26 Conference on Biostasis & Reentry. [See messages 137 & 143.] For more information call Linda or Fred Chamberlain at (916) 542-1331 days or (916) 577-4746 evenings or write to them at P.O. Box 18698, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95706.] Fri. Evening (Aug. 24, 1990): 8:00 PM "INTRODUCTION TO BIOSTASIS AND REENTRY" by Fred Chamberlain 9:00 PM PANEL DISCUSSION: Representatives from all the participating suspension organizations will answer questions. Old timers who do not wish to join in this can meet informally in a gathering of a smaller kind, which will be separately reserved. Saturday (August 25, 1990) Morning Session: 9:00 AM "DEMONSTRATING VIABLE MEMORY AFTER CRYOPRESERVATION: RESEARCH DIRECTIONS" by Jerry Leaf, V.A. The major thrust of future cryobiological research at Cryovita Laboratories and Alcor will be the development of a means to preserve the mammalian brain at cryogenic temperatures; providing an ability to demonstrate the viability of memory, a necessary step in the development of suspended animation. 9:30 AM "NANOTECHNOLOGY - THE AVENUE TO HEALTH AND WEALTH" by Ralph C. Merkle, Ph.D. Xerox PARC Health requires tissues and cells composed of correctly patterned sets of atoms. Wealth requires control over collections of atoms organized into the things we want: food, housing, computers, yachts and spaceships. Even though the goal is still decades away, there are good reasons to believe nanotechnology will be feasible. 10:00 AM "PERMAFROST CRYONIC INTERMENT" by Benjamin Best, BSc (Pharmacy), BSc (Physics and Computing Science), BBA (Accounting and Finance) A presentation of the meaning, advantages and feasibility of Permafrost Cryonic Interment (PCI). Complementation of PCI with chemopreservation will also be discussed. 10:30 AM "REVERSING THE AGING PROCESS MADE EASY" by Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D. Many recent advances in aging research challenge the age-old belief that aging is an unavoidable and irreversible process. It is likely that aging can be reversed without nanotechnology except for morphological alterations such as skeletal changes, which may require nanotechnology. Several dramatic examples of the reversal of important aspects of aging have already become available. 11:00 AM "LOW TEMPERATURE MEDICINE" by Hal Sternberg, Ph.D. The current status and future perspectives of low temperature medicine (ie. multi-organ and whole body preservation for transplantation and surgery). 11:30 AM "PRO-DEATH MEMES AND POSSIBLE COUNTER MEASURES" by Jim Stevenson, Ph.D. To cope with the possibility of death, people have developed subconscious memes which accept, or worse, glorify mortality, e.g.,the finiteness of life stimulates productivity and our awareness of the present. Sentence completion exposes the defensive aspects of these memes and facilitates consideration of the prospect of immortality. BREAK FOR LUNCH Saturday (Aug. 25, 1990) Afternoon Session: 2:00 PM "MEMORY: ITS CURRENT STATUS" by Thomas Donaldson, Ph.D. Reviews what neurologists and others currently know about memory, with a discussion of implications for survival under different conditions of suspension and further implications for what a repair system must accomplish to recover memory. 2:30 PM "ADJUSTMENT AND READJUSTMENT IN CRYONIC REENTRY: CLOSURES AND BEGINNINGS" by Mae A. Ettinger, L.L.P., M.A. Little has been written about reanimation and the psychological aspects of the adjustments that will be necessary in reentering a world that is vastly changed, hopefully for the better. A look at where we are now and how we can go into a future with peace of mind and confidence that the adjustment will be made effectively. 3:00 PM "HOW TO SPEND THE ENXT MILLION YEARS" by Keith Henson Even before most life extension objectives are attained, concrete plans will have been made for what we're going to do with all that time and technology. Radical transformations of self and planetary systems are only the tip of the life extension iceberg. 3:30 PM "HOW TO TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH YOU" by Saul Kent How cryonic suspension members can donate their money and other assets to an organization set up to fund reanimation research, attempts to revive them from suspension, and efforts to reenter society. Why a Leichtenstein foundation can return your money to you after you're reanimated. 4:00 PM "COMMUNITOPIA: THE POSITIVE TRIUMPH OF NEGATIVE ENTROPY" by Richard P. Marsh, Ph.D. When material abundance and physical pleasure are assured to all, what do we do for joy? We transcend our limitations ... endlessly ... by growing in the risky, painful, enchanting, and fulfilling process of communication. This brief talk will examine that process from the standpoint of the physically immortal. 4:30 PM "LIFEPACT: DESIGNING OUR OWN REENTRY VEHICLE AND PORT OF ARRIVAL" by Linda Chamberlain How can we be sure that reanimation, reeducation and rehabilitation will be funded? By planning now, we can foresee the problems which may arise for those being reanimated and help to eliminate them. Revocable endowments can be used for both getting personal property such as diaries and videotapes into the future with us and also for taking financial resources with us. 5:00 PM "VENTURISM FOR ETERNITY" by Mike Perry, Ph.D. How the basic goals and outlook for Venturism could tie in with living forever. 5:15 PM "WHY YOU SHOULD BE A VENTURIST" by Dave Pizer. Advantages of becoming a Venturist and supporting the movement. BREAK FOR DINNER 8:30 PM - SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: "THE BIG PICTURE: BIOSTASIS, WORLD VIEW, AND LIFE STRATEGY" by Robert Ettinger "the father of cryonics". It is possible that a coherent, rational philosophy, honestly grounded in the basic needs of the individual, will help transform the immortalist movement into something more than a minor outpost of medical technology. 9:00 PM PANEL DISCUSSION: FOCS - COOPERATION AND GROWTH FOR 1990s Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=188