X-Message-Number: 18802
From: "Daniel Crevier" <>
Subject: cancer death rates
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:34:43 -0500

Rafi Haftka wrote in Message #18787:

"Thirty one years and hundred of billions of dollars [after Nixon declared
war on cancer]  cancer [death] rates have barely moved, with most of the
differences appearing to be due to environmental, behavioral, and
nutritional changes."

This is a claim that we often hear, but I'd be curious to see some backing
for it. I recall that thirty years ago, a child with leukemia couldn't hope
to live. Nowadays they seem to rescue most of them. Likewise, I read the
other day that survival rates from breast concer had increased dramatically
in recent years.

Statistics, anyone?

Daniel Crevier

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