X-Message-Number: 19838
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 11:20:53 -0500
From: " - KC Homes - www.iggy.net" <>
Subject: potential clients - owners of future cloned pets

While reading this article, I got to think that these people have already
accepted cloning and are exposed to cryogenic preservation of tissues of
their animals. Teaming up with these people will only add to the ranks of
cryonicists. Offering cryogenic services may be just a ticket for that.
Working with other "DNA banks" may be also an asset. Just an idea.
MSNBC : Cloning Pets - In Search Of Fluffy 2.0

IGGY Dybal

Your Real Estate Consultant - Kansas City - RE/MAX Best

E-mail: mailto:   Web site: http://www.iggy.net
Office: 913-894-4024 Toll-free: 877-550-IGGY/4449

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